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Open Positions in D12
D12 District Hockey Coordinator
D12 USA Hockey Coach Developer
D12 Girls coordinator
If interested in any of the open positions please contact:
Mark Stupar
USA Hockey Coach Developer-Job Description
Suggested Qualifications:
If interested, email MN Coach-in-Chief Mike Orn:
District Hockey Director Coordinator
Position: District Hockey Director Coordinator (formerly District ACE Coordinator)
Summary: As a member of the Minnesota Hockey Director Committee the District HD Coordinator will assist Association Hockey Directors to implement on and off ice player development training using the
principles of LTAD (Long Term Athlete Development) and age appropriate training.
Promote the implementation of the tenants of the MDM (Minnesota Development Model) within the District’s associations. Communicate to the Association Hockey Directors and Association Player Development
Committees the principles of LTAD, MDM and age appropriate training and the benefits to the player.
Essential Responsibilities:
• Serve as a member of the Minnesota Hockey Director Committee
• Work with the District Associations to incorporate the Association Hockey Director position and
Player Development Committee into their association structure.
• Assist with the Hockey Director Conference and encourage Association Hockey Directors from
his District to attend.
• Meet regularly with the Association Hockey Directors and Association Player Development committees to promote the implementation of age appropriate player development and the Minnesota Development Model at each age and skill level. (from introductory LTS to most advanced levels).
• Serve as a resource and respond to questions regarding player development.
• Promote on-going coach development through district and association coaching clinics.
• Promote the players skill development clinics offered by Minnesota Hockey.
• Administer the Minnesota Hockey Model Association Program.
• Assist with programs at the District and State level.
• High-energy and a passion for player development
• A strong belief and knowledge of LTAD, MDM and age appropriate player development.
• Excellent communication (oral and written), problem solving and interpersonal skills.
• Demonstrated organization and administrative skills.
• Experienced coaching utilizing age appropriate training.
Reports to: District Director and Minnesota Hockey Director Coordinator
Updated 1/19/2023
D12 Spring meeting May 1st, 6-8pm @ Iron Trail Event Center
To Satisfy MN State Statues (121A.37 regarding youth player concussions and return to play guidelines: Below is a the Players return to play form. This form must be completed in it's entirety to allow a player to return to any activity in MN Hockey if they have been removed from participation as a result of a suspected concussion related incident. Players remove are not allowed to play in games or participate in practice until this form is returned. This form must be retained by the association and kept on file.
To satisfy the requirements of the MN State Statute regarding concussions all coaches must complete concussion training and provide proof of this required training. Below is the MN Hockey coaches concussion Certification form that all coaches must provide to their association and must be kept on file for the season. With this form the coach must provide a copy of the completion certification from the training completed
Below are links to free concussion training that will satisfy the requirements for coaches training. REMEMBER TO PRINT YOUR COMPLETION CERTIFICATE UPON COMPLETION!
It is the policy of USA Hockey that all USA Hockey Member Programs have at least one responsible screened adult present monitoring the locker room during all team events to assure that only participants (coaches and players), approved team personnel and family members are permitted in the locker room and to supervise the conduct in the locker room. Acceptable locker room monitoring will include having locker room monitors in the locker room while participants are in the locker room. A local program or team may impose or follow stricter monitoring requirements. Any individual meetings between a minor participant and a coach or other adult in a locker room shall require that a second responsible adult is present. The responsible adult that monitors and supervises the locker room shall have been screened in compliance with Section III of this Handbook. Further, responsible adults must also secure the locker room appropriately during times when minor participants are on the ice. It shall be permissible for a local program or team to prohibit parents from a locker room. However, in doing so the team shall be required to have properly screened adults monitoring and supervising the locker room as required above. With younger players, it is generally appropriate to allow parents to assist the player with getting equipment on and off before and after games or practices and they should be allowed in the locker room to do so.
Cell phones and other mobile devices with recording capabilities, which includes voice recording, still cameras, and video cameras, increase the risk for some forms of abuse or misconduct. As a result, the use of a mobile device’s recording capabilities in the locker rooms is not permitted at any USA Hockey sanctioned event, provided that it may be acceptable to take photographs or recordings in a locker room in such unique circumstances as a victory celebration, team party, etc., where all persons in the locker room are appropriately dressed and have been advised that photographs or recordings are being taken.
.All local programs shall publish locker room policies to the parents of all minor participants that are specific to the facilities they regularly use. The local program’s policies shall include the program’s (a) practices for supervising and monitoring locker rooms and changing areas; (b) permission or lack of permission for parents to be in the locker rooms; (c) prohibited conduct, including at least all forms of abuse and misconduct prohibited by USA Hockey; and (d) specific policies regarding the use of mobile electronic devices and phones and prohibiting the use of a device’s recording capabilities. A sample locker room policy form may be found at For each team, the coach and/or team administrators shall be responsible for compliance with the locker room supervision requirements of this Policy. A coach and/or team administrator that fails to take appropriate steps to ensure the Locker Room Policy is adhered to, and any USA Hockey participant or parent of a participant who otherwise violates this Policy is subject to appropriate disciplinary action.
Coaches and Volunteers (Board Members, Locker Room Monitors and any adult who is in direct contact with players) must submit a background screening athorization. This can be done by accessing the link provided
Article on MN. Hockey Web Site with information on Concussions in Mn. Hockey and plans by USA Hockey to change and impliment rules to decrease occurance.